We are landscape architects and ingeneers, gardeners in our heart and as it is our everyday lifestyle. Mostly working on our own we also build teams for specific jobs which require a large group of skilled persons we enjoy and trust in working with. Mainly working in the West part of France, we commonly have projects all around our country and abroad where we are asked to contribute for particular challenges.
Never having enough words for explaining the magnificience of plants and soils, we think our role as designers and gardeners is to create or reinforce this rare and precious connection in between alive places and people which we aim and work for being as healthiest as it could be with a large sens of beauty with glorious feelings.
​We believe that no contemporary projects can now escape from today's global earth targets such as water sufficiency, soil health, plant and animal biodiversity and human work conditions. This is why we tend to draw every idea, every intention to develop and plan with the best intelligence we can all projects in the aim not just to create pictures but alive places which have been thought many times, discussed with people concerned, drawn with plans, sections and maps and changed if needed, then being transformed and keep being improved days after days.
Because in a way, building, landscaping and gardening is impacting the power of Nature, we want to work with elegance amongst it.
Our taste for traveling serves imaginations for places, rather it's about atmosphere or botanical and culture knowledges. It is with determinism that we think every piece of land could become the most attractiv and alive scenery on earth. With this same energy we try to elaborate all of the projects and challenges we are asked to participate at and contribute to.